Satellite & Lightning
Lightning and satellite data are important tools for detecting and effectively warning of severe weather events worldwide.
Meteologix AG (Kachelmann Group) receives worldwide lightning and satellite data in the highest resolution and not only processes it for visualization, but also develops derived products, such as storm indices and precipitation totals.
satellite imagery
Meteologix AG (Kachelmann Group) prepares high-resolution satellite images worldwide and makes them available with a high zoom factor and high temporal resolution (some products even every minute!). We produce a wide variety of satellite products for all parts of the world, such as B. Fog check, volcano activity and top alarm. With our animations, fascinating events such as hurricanes and supercells can be precisely tracked in addition to worldwide weather patterns.

Satellite HD, Hurricane Irma

Satellite Infrared Cloud Top Temperature Hurricane Irma

Satellite HD, Spain
Worldwide Satellite Images, Satellite HD & Satellite Image Archive
International satellite images in HD - like here (right image) a thunderstorm over the western Mediterranean Sea off Spain.
The Meteologix AG (Kachelmann Group) receives much of its satellite data via its own satellite reception systems in Switzerland and the USA.All high-resolution satellite images and products are available as of 2015. In addition, there is an archive of global visible satellite imagery dating back to 1981.
The satellite images are sent from various so-called geostationary satellites. They fly over the equator at an altitude of about 36,000 kilometers (geostationary orbit). Since the satellites there rotate around the earth at the same speed as the earth rotates around itself, they are always at a fixed point point above the equator.
With the exact lightning analysis worldwide we can see if and exactly where the lightning struck.
Lightning analysis and lightning archive
With our lightning analysis, you can zoom to street level worldwide and thus determine the location of the strike and the strength of the lightning with a high level of accuracy. All lightning data is archived (back to 1999) and can also be evaluated for future insurance claims, for example.

International lightning dates
Meteologix AG (Kachelmann Group) obtains high-quality lightning data from Siemens and other sources. For each country in the world, this data is processed in real time and updated every 5 minutes. In addition, we generate worldwide maps where you can zoom in to regions or counties for a perfect overview.

Lightning analysis and lightning archive
With our lightning analysis, you can zoom to street level worldwide and thus determine the location of the strike and the strength of the lightning with a high level of accuracy. All lightning data is archived (back to 1999) and can also be evaluated for future insurance claims, for example.
Lightning density map, Germany

Lightning density map, Germany

Lightning density map, Thuringia

Lightning density map, Germany
Any questions?
Contact us! We look forward to your inquiry! contact@meteologix.com